Friday, June 18, 2010

What Month Is It?

I believe it's June.  In fact, I believe it is officially "late" June.  So why is it still overcast and cold?  I'm wearing a sweater today.  True, I AM wearing sandals, but a sweater nonetheless.  I know, people.  It's called "June Gloom."  But this is ridiculous.  I'm ready for summer and I want it NOW.

After re-reading my last post, I realized I said that there's just something about the South.  Is it like a bad break-up?  Am I still secretly in love with the South; therefore, I can't fall in love with San Diego?  Or is San Diego more like a friend who I hang out with and then later we're gonna realize that we were right for each other all along?  Is this my romantic comedy?


  1. 27 dresses, methinks. San Diego is that reporter who did you wrong in the beginning, but is now willing to make up for it.

  2. I never saw 27 dresses. Geez...are you sure want to admit that all over the internet??? That's o.k. cause I've only got five followers.
