Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sunset Cliffs

One good reason to love where I live is Sunset Cliffs.  I can ride my bike there, but most of the time I drive just so I can spend more time at the Cliffs themselves. 

Besides just walking along the Cliffs which are beautiful enough, there is an actual park where the only thing keeping you from plunging into the ocean is your sheer will not to look over the edge.  This is a beautiful dead tree standing on the very tip of the cliff.  It was smooth to the touch and soft on the eyes.  I wanted to stand on it during this beautiful sunset.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Public Transportation

Since February, I've been riding the trolley to work and the bus back home.  It's the first time I've been a true commuter.  Besides the first day when I saw a man drink a Diet Coke with a straw and then take that straw to clean his ears, things have been pretty low-key.  Despite the 30 minute waiting time for the bus, it truly hasn't been that bad.  Way to go, San Diego!

How'd they do that??

Birdcrap Covered Rock, Sunset Cliffs

While out walking on Sunday, I passed by this rock.  I've seen this rock about about 50 times and always thought it would be so cool to sit out on that rock if I could clean off the bird crap that covers it.  Somehow, someone climbed out on this rock to put up this sign.  Hmmm...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Coming up on Two Years

It's days like these that remind me that I love being here: Sunshine, 73 degrees, not a cloud in the sky.

The other day, I was confronted by Z about me not wanting to live here.  How I have a strong aversion to not wanting to become a part (integral or not) of California.  Yes, I make fun of Californians a lot.  So do a lot of transplants I meet out here.  I've met some great people from CA; I've met some crappy people from CA, but isn't that true everywhere?

Yes, I miss The South. I miss my family.  I miss the Cracker Barrel.  I miss driving on the Interstate without the feeling of fighting for my life.

Yes, I don't want to raise my family here. I believe CA has a lot to offer a child in terms of things to do, diversity, and open-mindedness.  But I don't want to raise my child in an apartment. I want my child to have a yard, get grass stains and ride her bike safely on the street.  I want to call her in for dinner when the sun starts to set. I want her to know her neighbors and know her neighborhood. I don't want to pay $800K for a house.  I just don't.

But I love the healthy choices out here: the organic food, the farmers' markets, the art galleries (although not the best, still, at times, pretty cool), the beaches.  Maybe I'm just like my mother: she's never satisfied (a la Prince, not seriously like my mother).  I'm sure if I ever moved back to the South, I'd complain about the humidity, the air conditioning bill, and the lack of an ocean within 10 hours of my house.